Some of you Husbands out there may need to schedule  counseling sessions with my Husband who would love to assist you in moving forward into victory.

Pastor Jerry Ruffin 972-478-4340  

Husbands, this next Scripture also affirms why you should develop an intentional hunger within your  masculinity for deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ as your Head.  He even made us for YOU!  You are that important to Him. 

I Cor. 11:8,9 For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man;9for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake.  Because you are Christ’s image of divine leadership, authority and objective truth, it is within this framework that He adds love, compassion and submission  through the wife so you may experience His nurturing through her and Himself.  

To accentuate the wholeness and well-roundedness of you, He has added yet another layer of rich accountability.  1 Peter 3:7-8 You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life,so that your prayers will be hindered.  

This scripture is encouraging you to become intimately acquainted with your wife. It is thru treating her as someone deeply valued and special to you that your prayers are answered.  Therefore, you must become intimately acquainted with her strengths and weaknesses knowing what it takes to transform her.  God knew that He had to put this strong protective boundary around the Husband to humble him, thereby giving him opportunities to seek His face in prayer which drives even you closer to Him. Husbands now this explains why some of your prayers may not have been answered because you are missing out on the opportunity to richly know and love your wife.  Your powerfully sure Head  Jesus Christ who created her will show you exactly how to get it done.  Everything you need husbands, you by Golly most assuredly have through Christ alone. 

Through your divine leadership, authority, rich sweet prayer life with Jesus, you become so much more like you Head, JesusChrist with the power to then elevate your wife into the fullness of her divine identity and destiny.  All of this safeguards you to remain rooted and grounded in Christ assuring that your wife will truly bring you glory since the Word of God says that she is your glory.  This in turn causes you to glorify your Head, your Creator and your Deliverer.  MY GOD YOU HAVE GOT IT GOOD!!!!!   Part 3 to follow.


About jerrydruffin