Jesus is saying in John 10:10 that He came for people to have an abundant life but the thief came to kill, steal and destroy.Fulfillment is a significant common denominator for everyone because on one level or more we're all seeking fulfillment in our lives.To realize the truth of any fulfillment four things are needed. 1.I must obtain revelation: an understanding of truth at the level of my comprehension of the revelation. 2.I must have a role model: because it is a part of God's order to teach and train by example. I must witness truth displayed in the life of another. Formula For Success Instructions x Examples x Experience Word of God Parents Test 3.I must acquire a regiment of faith: a systematic way of applying God's word in my everyday situations so I can get the promised results. 4.A righteous resolve: a godly reason for wanting these principles to work in my life. As I talk about The Search … [Read more...]