The Founders

Redemptive Christian Counseling Ctr. began on April 1, 2008. After over a decade of serving as home group leaders, elders, singles pastors and counseling pastors at our church, I acknowledge that through it all, a huge magnitude of the serving inspiration was derived from my late wife and frontline warrior, Jessye Ruffin. In this ministry and the ones she was associated with, there could not have been anyone more dedicated to seeking God for the total wholeness of the people she served. Psalm 116:15 says, ” Precious (Costly ) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”. Truly it is precious to Him but for too long, it does not feel good to the loved ones left behind.

As Redemptive Christian Counseling Ctr. continues to assist Christ the Lord in perfecting His bride, I acknowledge that a great legacy has been established and Jessye Ruffin was a strategic core of its foundation. Please take some time to read and digest the anointed blogs on this site.

Jerry Ruffin has been certified by the Faith Based Counselor Training Institute chartered by the state of Texas and hold a certification from the American Association of Christian Counselors as a Certified Professional Counselor. Having over 20 years of counseling experience, thousands have been placed on the road to wholeness.  He has always had a burning passion to see all Believers empowered by God to fully possess the godly inheritance given to them and their family that was redeemed by Christ Jesus. It is upon this premise that Redemptive Christian Counseling was founded. Because one of his greatest emphasis has been spiritually liberating God’s people, he has seen thousands promoted above their hurts and personal woundings into their God-given purpose and destiny. Abundant life will forever be this counselors’ goal.

Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.